Friday, November 20, 2009

I stopped taking a colon/intestinal cleanser 2 mos. ago and have been getting nonstop adult acne since then?

I have always been good about cleansing, and stopped because i got sick of going to the bathroom 4-5 times a day. shortly thereafter, i started getting acne. it won't go away no matter what I do. Should I start cleansing again?

I stopped taking a colon/intestinal cleanser 2 mos. ago and have been getting nonstop adult acne since then?
Yes, you took something that stirrred up the toxins in your system and are probably just trying to find a way to eliminate itself, so they are coming out through your skin.
Reply:Sounds to me like the body is still cleansing itself.

From experience, I can tell you that cane sugar is a big culprit. When, as an adult, I cut out ALL SOURCES OF CANE SUGAR and used the juice of half a lemon in a glass of warm water first thing in the morning, the acne went away permanently. I had never done colon cleanses and the like at that time.

If you'd like more info on the problems caused by processed sugars, go to and do a search for Nancy Appleton. Lauralee interviewed her at length on it and Nancy had done 15 years of research on the reports written up on the subject.

To get back to colon cleansing; I have gone to an ozone therapist ever now and again over the past three years when I felt I needed one.
Reply:First off , you should not be having to cleanse your self every day. By doing this your body becomes lazy and expects you to do the work for it.

I would suggest that you start a detox program that uses natural fruits and veggies to strengthen your system as well as give it the natural fiber it needs to keep you cleanse. You can do your own research here to find out what suits you best. Be sure to search at least 5 to 6 different web sites with diffent web search engines before making up your mind.

No more the two weeks are ever needed to get your system up and running proper again unless you are suffering from deficiencies. Acne is usuall hormonal, meaning your body is producing hormones that your body is fighting against.
Reply:You need a better colon cleanse. Here is a link to the one i use.
Reply:Those are all good comments below. I agree also you need a better cleanse. I have some idea of the type you're doing. Go here: and click on the video link on the first page. There are 5 short videos there (11 min total) which you will find of great interest.


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