I have been hearing that the best way is to detox your self from the insided out. Has anyone tried Colon Cleansing? And does it really work like some people say it does?
Whats the best way to rid adult acne?
Head remedy.Pimples worse during menses;worse after eating fats, sugar, coffee and meat Psorinum 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)
Pimples at the age of puberty with itching Asterias Rub 30X, 6 hourly
If Asterias rub fails; pustuler eruptions Kali Brom 30X, 6 hourly
Chronic cases; worse after taking eggs and during winter seasons Streptococcin.200X or 1M, weekly (3 Doses)
To clean the complexion Berberis Aquifolium Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 7 - 8 drops
Pimples; stools constipated like sheep's dung; worse from sea bathing Magnesia Mur.30X, 6 hourly
Acne of nose; better in damp weather Causticum.30X, 6 hourly
To cover tendency of pimples and to purify the blood Echinacea Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 - 10 drops
Acne rosacea.Pimples are painful for some distance around; worse during menstruation. Eugenia J Q(Mother Tincture) 4 hourly, 5 -10 drops
Pimples hard like flee bites, chilblains Agaricus Mus 30X or 200X, 6 hourly
Skin moist; pimples; digestion slow; flatulence; better fanning Carbo Veg 30X or 200X, 6 hourly
Rose colourd pimples; pale,waxy skin; chilly persons Silicea.200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)
Acne in tuberculer patients Tuberculinum K 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)
Acne hard; indurated base with pustule at apex; night sweats Arsenic Iod 3X or 6X, 4 hourly
When above remedies fail (intercurrent remedy) Sulphur 200X or 1M weekly (3 Doses)
No side effects or complications if taken as directed, please do not exceed the given dosage and under any circumstances do not try to mix any remedies and avoid Chocolates, Mints, Coffee, Red Meat, Alcoholic and Carbonated drinks, Spicy Rich Food while taking any Homeopathic remedies, and keep the medicines away from direct sunlight, heat strong smells and perfumes and do not store them in the fridge.Curing without any side effects or Complications Thats the Beauty of Homeopathic Medicine
Take Care and God Bless !
Reply:I'm not sure about the colon cleansing thing but I found a book called Skin Type Solution by Dr. Baumann that really helped me. Product recomendations are based on 16 different skin types. http://www.skintypesolutions.com/
Reply:A colon cleanse helps a lot for adult acne.
Reply:For many years people have been saying that our body breaks out from what we eat. Although true to a point, did you know it's an organ. It takes in what we put on it and the air around us. If you are using products full of unsafe chemicals your skin reacts to it. Eczema is one of the most annoying skin problems. I know. My son used to scratch himself to a pulp. As soon as we cleaned out the house from the bleaches and formaldehydes and toxic cleaners his skin and other allergies cleared up tremendeously. I recommend the change to anyone! Email me if you would like to know more about living toxin free!! check out the link below to a research group which shares the same info! good luck
As acne is a skin care problem, rather than going for allopathic medicines or acne cosmetic products, you must first try simple home remedies that are safe and easily available to your surroundings.
* Aloe Vera juice applied twice a day can greatly help in healing of the scars of the acne.
* Paste of sandalwood (chandan) powder with black gram (masoor) dal can be used on facial skin to treat the acne. Keep it overnight and wash it with cold water the next day.
* Before going to bed apply ice on the face. This will reduce the inflammation and burning sensation on the skin and also lighten the scars of the acne.
* Garlic has been used successfully in the treatment of acne. Rub raw garlic on the affected skin several times a day, it will help to remove the scars. Chronic forms of acne are also healed by this method.
Good days!!
Reply:Try the Natural Cures, detox is the best remedy for sure.
Acne is perhaps the most common chronic skin disease. It is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous (that is fat or grease) glands and hair follicles usually found on the face, the neck, chest, and shoulders. Nearly 8/10 young people between the ages of 12 and 24 suffer from some degree of acne. It is closely related to the disturbance in the hormones experienced at puberty.
The majority of patients recover between the ages 20 and 30 years. But it is still common in men over 30 years. In women, it rarely lasts beyond the early 30s and is normally worse before each menstrual period. The disease causes a great deal of embarrassment at an age when people tend to be sensitive about personal appearance.
The skin, covering the entire body, is a marvellous and intricate mechanism. It serves three main purposes; namely, protection of the inner organism, regulation of body temperature, and elimination of cell waste and systemic refuse. The skin is directly connected with and intimately bound up with the working of the whole system. All skin diseases, including acne, are the outcome of malfunctioning of the body as a whole.
Symptoms: Acne is characterized by the presence of comedones or blackheads, pimples, small superficial sebaceous cysts, and scars. There are over half a dozen forms of acne. All of them are concerned with sebaceous glands or the glands connected with hair follicles. The most common form of acne is blackheads. The areas chiefly affected are the forehead, temples, cheeks, and chin, the chest and back. In rare cases, almost the entire body may be covered with black heads with extensive scarring.
Causes: All forms of acne have their origin in wrong feeding habits, such as irregular hours of eating, improper food, excess of starches and sugar, excess of fatty foods. Chronic constipation is another major cause of acne. If the bowels do not move properly, waste matter is not eliminated as quickly as it should be and the bloodstream becomes surcharged with toxic matter. The extra efforts of the skin to eliminate excess waste result in acne and other forms of skin disease. Yet another important cause of acne is a devitalised condition of the skin resulting from unhygienic living habits. Other causes of the disorder are excessive use of tea, coffee, alcohol or tobacco, strenuous studies, masturbation, and sedentary habits which lead to indigestion and general debility.
Treatment: The treatment of acne by the administration of salve or ointment does not serve any purpose. They only suppress the action of the sebaceous glands temporarily. In nature cure, the main emphasis is on diet and certain water applications. To begin with the patient should resort to all-fruit diet for about a week. In this regimen, there should be three meals a day, consisting of fresh juicy fruits, such as apples, pears, grapes, grape-fruit, pineapple and peaches. Citrus fruits, bananas, dried, stewed or tinned fruits should not be taken. Unsweetened lemon or plain water, either hot or cold, should be drunk and nothing else. During this period, warm -water enema should be taken daily to cleanse the bowels and all other measures adopted to eradicate constipation.
After a week of all fruit diet, the patient can gradually adopt a well-balanced diet. Emphasis should be on raw foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds, raw nuts, and whole grain cereals, especially millet and brown rice. Further shorter periods on the all-fruits for three days, or so may be necessary at a monthly interval till the condition of the skin improves. Strict attention to diet is essential for recovery. Starchy, protein and fatty foods, should be restricted. Meats, sugar, strong tea or coffee, condiments, pickles, refined and processed foods should all be avoided, as also soft drinks, candies, ice cream and products made with sugar and white flour.
Two vitamins, namely, niacin and vitamin A have been used successfully to treat acne. The vitamin therapy which may comprise a niacin, 100 mg. three times daily and vitamin A in large doses up to 1,50,000 units per day should not exceed one month. Vitamin E is also vitally important to prevent scarring from acne and in removing old scars.
Another effective remedy in the realm of nutrition that seems to offer new promise of help for acne is zinc. It has shown dramatic results in some cases. Zinc should be taken in therapeutic doses of 50 mg three times a day. After noticeable improvement it can be gradually reduced.
Local Treatment: As regards local treatment, hot fomentation should be applied to open up the pores and squeeze the waste matter. Then rinse with cold water. Sun and air baths by exposing the whole body to sun and air are highly beneficial. The healing packs made of grated cucumber, oatmeal cooked in milk, and cooked, creamed carrots used externally, have been found to be effective. The orange peel is valuable in the treatment of acne. The peel, pounded well with water on a piece of stone, should be applied to the affected areas. The lemon has also proved beneficial in removing pimples and acne. It should be applied regularly.
A teaspoonful of coriander juice, mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder, is another effective home remedy for pimples and blackheads. The mixture should be applied to the face after thoroughly washing it, every night before retiring.
The juice of raw potatoes has also proved very valuable in clearing skin blemishes. This cleansing results from high content of potassium sulphur, phosphorous and chlorine in the potato. These elements are, however, of value only when the potato is raw as in this state they are composed of live organic atoms.
A hot Epsom-salt bath twice a week will be highly beneficial in all cases of acne. This bath is prepared by adding one and a half kg of Epsom salt to 50 litres of water having a temperature of about 100 degrees F. The patient should remain in the bath from 25-35 minutes till he perspires freely. After the bath the patient should cool off gradually.
Hope this helps, Good Luck.
Reply:I love to use a colon cleanse and a detox tea! but I also use arbonne internationals clear advantage acne care system! I love it because it is natural, pure safe and beneficial vegan approved and works like a charm !!!!!!!!!
here is were i get mine
ww.antiagingskin.myarbonne.c o m
Reply:crush a vitamin c tablet and a vitamin e tablet, add a few drops of water, and apply to face. oh yeah. green tea is also proven to be more effective than 4% benzoyl peroxide
golden ball
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