Saturday, April 24, 2010

What is a good remedy for mild adult acne?

exfoliating! A major factor in acne itself is buildup of dry skin cells, and the stuff that is in your pores can't get out because of it. Salicylic acid in a clarifying lotion (astringent), and moisturize! Skin that is kept moist heals faster!

also, detox your system from within. drink a lot of water every day!

What is a good remedy for mild adult acne?
I am 40, never had acne issues, but began to get some now and then when I was in my mid 30's, I am now 40, and wash my face every morning before showering and in the evening before bed with Noxema (in a blue jar) it has menthol so it feels so good on your face, and cleans the pores well. Really makes your face feel clean. For individual acne that pops out now and then I use benzoil peroxide, store brand works just as well as name brand. Both work well- also for any scars that may be left behind there is stuff called SCAR ZONE- and this lessens the appearance of any scars the acne may leave behind.
Reply:I have always had acne on my forehead and around my jaw just below the ears. I have tried everything with nothing working that great. I started going to a tanning bed for a month and I have no more acne and a great tan. It really works for me.

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